Let's start boiling potatoes in plenty of boiling salted water, peel them while still hot and let them cool down, taking care to keep them well separated between them
In the meantime we blend the black garlic of Voghiera with a little olive oil - with the help of an immersion blender - until obtain the cream which we will use later for flavour the potatoesas soon as they are lukewarm, mash them with a fork and incorporate the cream until a coarse compound but homogeneous.
Let us devote ourselves to pears: let's cut them sliced and sauté them in a pan with a drizzle of olive oil. As soon as they are toasted, we bathe with the rum e let's flambé them with the help of a lighter. While the flame is still bright, we sprinkle with the cinnamon directly on the flame so that the cinnamon powder is also instantly toasted. Once all the alcohol has evaporated, the flame will extinguish itself and we are ready to serve.
We form two quenelle for each plate and placing 2 slices of potato pears on them, sprinkle with cinnamon, pepper and a drizzle of oil to taste and serve.