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Roman-style artichoke with quinoa, anchovies and black garlic from Voghiera

Let's begin this journey into flavour in the company of the chef Mattia Borroni and of Azzurra Gasperini. The first stop is in RomeOur capital city, where we will taste a typical Roman artichoke... slightly revisited. In fact, we will find it in the company of quinoa, some anchovy fillets and, of course, our Black garlic of Voghiera. Let's get started!
black garlic of voghiera gourmet recipe video

Before we say goodbye and give you an appointment for the next edition of the video recipes, however, it is time for one last stop, this time in the our lands. We are in fact between Ferrara and Mantuawhere the gastronomic tradition winter has a sweet and special flavour, that of the pumpkin!

Ingredients for 4 persons
  • 4 Roman artichokes
  • 100 g quinoa
  • Cream of Voghiera Black Garlic
  • 2 cloves of Nero di Voghiera garlic
  • Almonds
  • Lemon
  • Chilli
  • Coarse salt to taste
  • 8 fresh anchovies
  • Mint
  • Lemon peel
  • Peanut seed oil
  • Mint powder
  • Sultanas
  • Black garlic powder from Voghiera
  • Soy sauce

Let's start cleaning and skinning anchoviesso let's get two fillets from each and sprinkle coarse salt on the meat side, leaving them marinate for about 7′. After 7′ have elapsed, rinse them under abundant fresh water and freeze them for at least a day (or place them in blast chiller if we have them).

In the meantime cooking quinoa in plenty of salted water, taking care to keep it al dente, drain it and cool it to finish cookingthen heat in a saucepan theseed oil up to the temperature of 130° (with the help of a kitchen thermometer). While waiting we clean and hull the artichokes and, with the help of a small digger, remove the fluff inside. Slightly crushing the artichoke so that the petals open, taking care not to let them detach from the body.

We fry the artichokes in oil at 130°. for 10′ until the artichoke is cooked and golden, then drain off the excess oil and immerse it in cold water and ice to stop cooking. Separately we pan-fry quinoa already cooked with the chillisome cubes of black garlic from Voghiera, the previously soaked sultanas, the lemon peel (which we will have previously blanched and diced) and the previously toasted almonds, if necessary add salt, finally add mint leaves chopped into the quinoa salad.

We carefully dry the artichoke, therefore let's fry him a second time in very hot oil - 180/190° - until golden and crispy.
We cut the chopped anchovy filletsseason them with extra virgin olive oil and a few drops of soy saucethen place the quinoa salad on the plate, arrange the artichoke on top (with the upward stem) and arrange the anchovies and the Cream of Voghiera Black Garlic on the artichoke petals that will have curled during cooking

Sprinkle with the mint powder, a grating of lemon peel and the black garlic powder from Voghiera and decorate with mint leaves.

Enjoy your meal and... to next instalment with NeroFermento video-recipes!


You have a recipe with our Voghiera Black Garlic of which you are particularly proud? Share it with us, write to us at  ricette@nerofermento.it  indicating doses, procedure and a nice photo of the result, the most interesting ones we will post on this blog and on our social networks!

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